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Benzene, also known as benzol, is an organic chemical compound with the formula C6H6. It is sometimes abbreviated PhH. Benzene is a colorless and flammable liquid with a sweet smell and a relatively high melting point.

It is an aromatic hydrocarbon produced by the burning of natural products. It is used in the manufacture of numerous products and it is a human carcinogen.

Benzene is a clear, colorless liquid at room temperature and it readily evaporates in to the air. Its vapor is heavier than air so it will stay close to the ground. Small traces of benzene can be observed whenever carbon-rich materials undergo combustion.

Until World War II, most benzene production came as a byproduct of smelting steel. As demand increased in the 1950s because of its heightened importance as an industrial solvent, benzene began to be created using petroleum. Benzene production has diminished over the years due to its carcinogenic effects.

Benzene was first used in the 19th and early 10th century as an aftershave lotion and for douches because of its pleasant smell. It was also used around this time as an industrial solvent to degrease Metals, to decaffeinate coffee, and later was used as an additive to petrol because it increases the octane rating and reduces knocking in the engine. It was replaced by tetra-ethyl lead but has benzene has recently began to be used again as Lead use is being retracted. The use is very limited due to concerns over its toxicity and ability to leach into the groundwater (It is around 2% of gasoline in the US but can be up to 5% in other countries).

Benzene use today is immense, measured in the billions of pounds making it one o the top 20 most widely used Chemicals List. It is mainly used in the production of other chemicals such as dyes, drugs, Pesticides, and products such as rubber, nylon, and glues to name only a few.




Benzene ASTM D4492 WT% 99.9 min
Non-Aromatic ASTM D4492 WT% 0.08 max.
Toluene ASTM D4492 WT% 0.02 max.
Specific Gravity ASTM D3505 0.882-0.886
Methyl cyclo hexane ASTM D4492 WT% 0.02 max
chlorine ASTM D4929 ppm 1 max
Acidity ASTM D847 mg NaOH/100mg No free acid
Solidification point ASTM D852 Centigrade 6
Distillation range ASTM D850 Centigrade 2 max
Total nitrogen ASTM D4629 ppm 1 max
Total solfur ASTM D4045 ppm 1 max
Color (pt-co) scale ASTM D1209 10 max
SO2/ H2S content ASTM D853 Free of H2s/SO2
Acid wash color ASTM D848 1 max
Copper corrosion ASTM D849 No.1a
Thiophene ASTM D1685 ppm 1 max
Br.Index ASTM D1744 mg/100 gr 10 max
water content ASTM D1744 ppm Saturated





Purity ASTM D4492 wt% 99.9 Min
Toluene ASTM D4492 wt% 0.015 Max
Non Aromatics ASTM D4492 wt% 0.07 Max
Density @ 15.6 °C ASTM D4052 gr/cm3 0.882-0.886
Appearance Visual Clear, Free of haze/sediment
Color (Pt-Co) Scale ASTM D1209 15 Max
Acid Wash Color ASTM D848 1 Max
Acidity ASTM D847 mg NaOH/100mg No free acid
Copper Corrosion ASTM D849 Pass 1A
Total sulfur ASTM D5453 wt ppm 1 Max
H2S and SO2 content ASTM D853 Free of H2S and SO2
Distillation ASTM D850 °C 1 Max (In. 80.1)
Solidification point ASTM D852 °C 5.45 Min
Water content ASTM D1744 wt ppm 200 Max
Thiophene IFP9421 wt ppm 1 Max
Total Chloride ASTM D4929 wt ppm 2 Max
Br.Index ASTM 1492 mg/100g 10 Max
Total nitrogen ASTM D4629 wt ppm 1 Max
Methylcyclohexane ASTM D4492 wt ppm 400 Max

Additional information


Plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, pesticides, glues, adhesives, cleaning products, paint strippers, tobacco smoke, gasoline, etc.

In production of styrene, 2-decylbenzene (for producting detergent), cyclohexene (for producing nylons), phenol and nitrobenzene for producing aniline and solvent